We are participating in a festival, called FIB, to play for a huge crowd. The band that wins most votes will be selected to perform in this festival. Here’s the guide for non-Spanish speakers to vote as the website is all in Spanish.

1- Open this link: https://www.fib-risingstars.com/artists/2025 and click “Votar”
2- Enter your First Name, Last Name, Email, and click “Confirmar”
3- Follow @fiberfib on Instagram by clicking on “Seguir”
4- Click the text box “He leído…” to accept their terms and then click “Votar”
5- You’ll see the message “Gracias…” which thanks you for voting. 
6- Open your email sent to you by them and click on “Verificar votación” to verify your vote.
7- You’ll see the verified vote with the message “Hecho…”.

Thank you so much! We love you and appreciate so much your support.

GRAY DREAM members: Morrie Y, Jorge Valera, Arturo de Jongh

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